ROBOT - Personal Project
I present to you Oxi-44, a small robot sought after for the theft of rare flowers enormously requested by medicine. Oxi-44 comes from another planet, a planet where the development of the flora is increased tenfold. One plant put in the ground and thousands grow. It is to give life to his planet that he tries to steal flowers from planet Earth.
This small project was completed in 6 hours as part of a challenge with the theme "ROBOT". The modeling was done on Maya from Autodesk with a Redshift rendering (rendering engine) later reworked on Photoshop from Adobe.

Final rendering with Texturing done hard Maya through displacement, Modeling on Maya also and decor on Zbrush for sculpting. Editing in Photoshop after Redshift rendering.

Made simple with only displacement on the map. Before lighting and Redshift rendering.

Pre-production rendering of the project and locking the view angle and camera.